Sunday, October 2, 2011

worthless BEDO Day 2

Today is the end of an era. I have officially finished my stage manager duties for La BĂȘte. I think that I did a decent job, I hope that I did a decent job, and I survived. I honestly don't know how it all happened, but one day I was a stage manager, and now I get to be Kelly.

If you don't know much about stage management, allyou need to know is this:
- It is the most rewarding and fulfilling job anyone [especially in the theatre] that anyone will have to d in their lives.
- It is [arguably] the hardest job in the theatre.
- It's one of those things that makes you enjoy and hate your job at the same time.

Anyways, this is a short post. I've been falling asleep at my computer so much for the past few weeks and tonight has been no exception. I'm hoping to start getting more sleep, but for now, I have to wake up a little earlier tomorrow to actually do my work. Maybe now that this show is over, I'll have time to actually do my homework.

Current song - Adele something or another

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