Sunday, October 16, 2011

issues BALO 16

The world knows that I have them. And they're all stupid. Why do I act the way I act? I freak out and have panic attacks about things that just don't need to be freaked out about. I speak too soon, I get too excited, I mess shit up, and it's all done.

I have issues with myself. I've been trying to work on them for a while now, and I know that they shouldn't be issues, but I can't help it. I just feel FAT. Guys, don't comment on this. I know what you're going to say. Let me have my moment. I don't feel pretty. I feel terrible. And it's pathetic. I know I'm a decent looking [and decent in general] person, but something inside me isn't convinced.

Some things I need to vent about and then try to forget that I say them. I'm just really upset right now. I'll be fine. Maybe I should take a walk or something. Turn on some music. I'm not sure.

Current song - Don't Tell Me What To Do - The Marvelous Wonderettes

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