I've decided to dub this month BALO instead of BEDO since I'm still posting a lot but not every single day. I have a lot still going on in my life and I keep missing days.
There is something about game days here in Auburn that is both awesome and annoying. See, the thing is, I really love tailgating. I love the atmosphere of gameday. I love being with people and seeing how everyone is doing. What annoys me is now that I want to make money by babysitting instead of actually going to the game, it takes triple the time to get through town because Auburn is not built for major traffic. The family I'm sitting for now live on the way out to the major highway, so it will take them at least 2 hours to get out here. More money for me, I know, but I have people I want to see and a bed in my apartment calling my name.
But I guess when it really comes down to it, I thoroughly enjoy this environment. It's taxing, but it shows how much of a community we have with us here. It shows that my school has pride in something. I wish it had pride in it's theatre department, but where am I? Oh that's right, football central. I'll take what I can get.
Anyways, I'll leave those thoughts here. Since I can't be watching the game right now, and the kids are asleep, I'm going to try to read for school. Like a champ.
Current song - How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You - James Taylor
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