I'm not too crazy on traditions. There are things that my family does for holidays and birthdays that I like, but usually I'm not set on anything too crazy. The thing I'm starting to realize within myself is that I'm starting some little traditions. Whenever some event with friends [getting some lunch, walking to class together] goes well, I like to make it a small routine. I'm sure lots of people are like that, they find little things that work and they keep it happening. What I'm trying to say is that I have my family traditions, but I also enjoy little traditions that I can call my own.
Did you know that it's really hard to concentrate on writing a blog post when you're watching football? This is why I don't watch football much when I'm trying to get things done...it's also really hard to be in a room with meatballs...when you don't eat much meat. Ugh, they stink. A lot. I usually don't mind having meat around, but I guess I always avoid it when I can. For those of you who don't know, I only eat chicken and shellfish. It's been at least 3 years since I've had any other kinds of meat and I have no intention of going back. I feel like meat is not good for my body anymore at this point.
Anyways, this post has been all over the place tonight but I've been distracted by this game. Happy weekend, everyone!
Current song - Auburn fight song
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