I have so much to do this week, it's insane. I had 4 pages of a paper due today, I have a project due tomorrow, and another intense research project due on Friday. I am very stressed out, so what do I do? Procrastinate, of course. My room is spit spot spick and spaaaaan. [if you don't get that reference, click here.] I'm doing laundry, surfing the web, and having a wonderful twitter conversation with some friends. But I PROMISE! I'm going to paint for my project right now!!! Never fear!
In other news, I'm
sick. I can't stop sniffling and my body is mad at me, but I'm keeping a
positive attitude. I have to, because if I don't...well...it'd be bad.
But that's a goal for the month, to try to be more positive. I like
making small goals. :)
So here is a recipe that I'd really like to try, for your enjoyment:
Homemade Pita Chips
- pita bread
- olive oil
- garlic salt [or Ranch powder]
- parmesean cheese
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
1) Cut [or tear] pita bread in to chunky pieces.
2) Place pieces on to a cookie sheet or baking pan.
3) Rub a little olive oil on each piece of bread. Sprinkle the garlic salt and parmesean cheese on top of each piece.
4) Put the tray in the oven. Bake for 5-10 minutes.
Enjoy!! Dip them in marinara or another sauce!
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