Friday, November 4, 2011

so much better!!

This day was made sufficiently better by a few awesome people in my life. I had the BEST heart to heart with my friend Patrick, who is going through a rough time as well, by both of us being super supportive of each other. I then had a pretty good conversation with my friend Clint who I will be seeing in Florida soon! [I'm going to Disney for part of Thanksgiving break, thank goodness] Now I'm off to girl's night with my old roomie, Frances, and we're going to watch Bridesmaids, eat popcorn and ice cream, drink wine, paint nails, and catch up with each other! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am about life at the moment. Drama, I'll save you for later when I have to face you. Give me my life back for a weekend so I can conserve the sanity that I have left!

I hope that you are all having magical nights and I'm sorry that I didn't stay positive for about a day, but everyone needs their time to mope and get over things. I'm sure there will be many more mopey days for me, but I'm proud to be happy and smiling for one of the first times all week! I'll leave you with a picture of me...from Halloween!! It's a big group of everyone that decided to dress as characters from Peter Pan for our party! We have [from left to right] John, Tiger Lily, Michael, Wendy, Captain Hook, Peter Pan, and Nana! Good friends, and I'm so glad we all did that theme! We won second place for the costume contest, so I consider that a success.

Current song - So Much Better - Legally Blonde: The Musical soundtrack

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