Wednesday, August 3, 2011

would anyone hate me if...BEDA Day 3

What if I purposefully didn't sign up for Pottermore until October...? I know, I know, BLASPHEMY! But seriously, I have some reasons!! Let's begin:

1) My biggest reason is that I have to stage manage a show from basically right now [I'm already doing work on it] until October 1st. It requires hours of time and tons of concentration. Plus, in two weeks I'll have to start school which is a huge hassle as well. Once the show is done, my schedule will open up so much more for me to explore the depths of Pottermore, but I have this feeling that it's not meant to be for me, even though I know just how awesome it's going to be.

2) Well, really, the first reason is the reason that worries me the most. But honestly, it's only a 1.5 month difference. I think that waiting is going to be hard, especially when right now I could be given the chance to have it, but I just...I don't know. I can't focus on too many things at once and I'm worried that I'll put off things because I could be on Pottermore. I already procrastinate with youtube, reddit, blogspot, and many other things. It'd be a huge new player in the game, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it.

This is something that I really need people's opinions on. I'd really appreciate it. It's 8:18am, the registration could be up at any minute, and I just want to know what I should do. I probably should have asked this last night since that's when the rest of the world is up, but I was literally falling asleep at my computer and couldn't form thoughts. I think I know deep down that I'm going to wait, but I want to know if people would think I'm crazy.

In other news, I put a decent suggestion on a forum from the girls at LeakyCon and there MIGHT be a new collab channel starting up! No promises, but if it does, please let it be before school starts so I can get back in to it ASAP.

Here's to a new day and new adventures waiting for me!

Current song - Only Girl in the World - Rihanna [I have no idea why!]
Current cup of water - 0, I haven't gotten out of bed yet!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nah, you're not crazy. I had those exact same qualms with it as well. I know I'm not going to have time for it, but I just, for me, couldn't imagine not having it, even if it's inconvenient. Do what you feel is best for your situation. If I choose to shoot myself in the foot, so be it, but don't do the same to yourself just for the sake of getting in.
