Saturday, August 13, 2011

reflection BEDA Day 13

Guys, I never thought I'd be this girl. You know, the girl in college that has, oh I don't know, THREE JOBS AND FULL TIME SCHOOL AND REHEARSALS EVERY DAY. Ahhhhhh what have I done? I am now TERRIFIED for classes to start because I will literally have no time to spare. Maybe in October once I've finished the show but even then....I'll still have three FREAKING jobs. I'm now working at the church nursery [same job, I love the little kids!] basically every week because there are now only three regular workers and two of them don't need to work every week so that lovely task will be up to me. Next in line is the athletic department tutoring, which I'll be doing french. I'm really excited about that one because french is my favorite language and teaching it isn't too hard for me. The last job, the one I got yesterday, is being a server at Ariccia which is a swanky place at the university's hotel and conference center. I'll be starting as a server's assistant since I've never had any full service experience but hopefully by the time I'm done with the show I'll get to be a full server and work double shifts on Saturdays which means mucho tips!

Now don't get me wrong, if I thought that I really couldn't do this, I wouldn't. And if it gets too overwhelming I can tell one or more jobs that I need to cut back. But for now, I think this could work....maybe. I'm really scared. I actually want all of these jobs because they're good experiences for me, but handling three jobs plus full time school and rehearsals every day is going to be a challenge. Does anyone think that I'm insane? Do you think I can do it?

Moving on, I'm helping one of the new roomies move in today because he's been living with an old youth director of mine and she is happily pregnant!!! I can't wait to see her, and a new roomie is always a fun experience. So many changes in my life are happening, and I'm counting on family and friends to keep me sane whilst I attempt to stay alive throughout this mess!

Until next time

Current song - Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
Current cup of water - 2

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