Friday, August 12, 2011

Carpe diem BEDA Day 12

Alright, I'm not gonna lie, I never took Latin. But even I know that 'Carpe diem' means 'seize the day' and I'm thinking of getting some TOMS with that on them. If you don't know what TOMS are, they're [apparently really comfy] shoes that donate a pair of shoes to a child who doesn't have any every time you buy a pair. And I've been dying to have a pair of my own for years. I promised myself that when my scholarship money came in, that would be my only frivolous purchase, and the money came in today so I'm itching to go get some!

Speaking of scholarship money, let me tell you a little about how my day went yesterday. In short, it was a huge rollercoaster of ups and downs. But let's explain the long version:

The day started off like any other. I checked my email and I see that a direct deposit receipt came to my school account. Obviously, this is my scholarship money so I get really excited! $950, here I come! I open up the receipt and see only $551. That's odd, I thought, I know that I don't have a $700 meal plan to pay for, so I should definitely have another $400 on this receipt. So I called my mom and made the decision to call the scholarship office after my interview with a job to be a tutor on campus. I tried to push the money to the back of my mind as I headed inside for my interview, and I guess I was successful because the woman and I had a really nice interview. I got the job! My head was in the clouds because the job seemed much more appealing once she asked me to be a french tutor! I can work anywhere from 4-10 hours a week and I'm excited!

So I got home, waited until the lunch break was over and I called the office. They transferred me two or three times before I finally got an answer. The program that my grandfather got for me when I was a child to cover my tuition is slowly going down and not being recognized by the state any more because it's losing a lot of funding. They told me that the state will only cover the 2010 rates of tuition for me so I had to pay another $400 because of it. I don't mean to whine, but I needed that $400. And I've never been asked to pay for any part of my own schooling. I worked my ass off for the scholarships that I got, and having to pay $300 for food every semester is bad enough, but another $400? That's over half of the scholarship money that I earned, and I'd really like to have it. UGH!!!

So I was still kinda pissy when my sister asked me to come to her house and play Wii Fit to work out a little. I took my frustration out on that game and succeeded in at least laughing again. By the time I left my sister's, I had just enough time to shower and get ready for road trip time with Madeleine to pick up her friend Emily from the Atlanta airport. We didn't even turn on music for the first half of the road trip which is unheard of for Madeleine and I. We had so much to talk about and so we spent an hour and a half talking about everything from moving out for the first time to how money is a life-sucking ASS that needs to go away. Anyways, we made it to the airport, picked up Emily, let her experience Chick Fil A for the first time, and headed on home. It was a great ride and Emily and Madeleine sat in the back seat catching up while I said my two cents worth and tried to make them laugh every once in a while.

So I'm glad that my day ended on a high note, but it had some pretty sour points in there that just peeved me all day long. But today is a new day. I have one more job interview that I am nervous about, but I know that I'll do my best. Now with the tutoring job I'll have less time, but in the end, whatever is meant to be will happen. I'm not going to force anything and lie by saying I have a ton of time to devote, but I'm not going to botch my interview. I want a good name wherever I go, so let's hope for a good interview! Now it's time to go straighten my hair and do something to look cute. It's a rough task!

Current song - Seize the Day - 'Newsies' soundtrack
Current cup of water - 1, this is not very impressive because I always write at the beginning of the day!

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