Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a legit post for the last day of BEDA - Day 31

Well lucky me, I have enough energy to actually write up a real blog post for you guys!

Sorry I've been so MIA lately, but you guys can't imagine how terrible I've felt. I haven't eaten more than 8 french fries over the past 2 days, and I only ate those because they were easy enough to swallow. So let's recap on my past few days:

- We've already been over the whole 'not being able to eat' thing. It hurts soooo much to swallow anything so my body just doesn't hate me for not eating. I've tried to drink cold drinks but it still sucks. I have to be cautious.

- I have had ZERO energy to do anything. I literally have come home for the past two days to take a nap instead of doing my normal SM afternoon activities. I haven't even gone to rehearsal for the past two nights. Basically I feel like a huge failure as a stage manager. It really REALLY sucks.

- I finally went to the doctor yesterday and he said that I tested negative for strep throat which is great, except for the fact that he doesn't know what I have. I'm not allowed to go to school today, but since this is the first time I've been without a fever and have a small amount of energy, I might try to sneak in to rehearsal and run it from the back of the house. We'll see how the day goes and how much Daydrie needs me.

- Yes, you heard right. I woke up this morning without a fever. My back is still achy and I woke up drenched in sweat, but I finally have a small amount of energy. I'm going to try to catch up on SM work, homework, and take as many naps as my body will let me. Oh, and I will and have been drinking lots of fluids. It's when I'm sick that I'm so glad to be around family here. They really have taken care of me and I feel pretty loved. My mom has simply spoiled me [the only time I rely on her the most is when I'm sick and she loves it] my brother has driven me places because I haven't had the strength to walk, my sister brought her puppy over last night, brought me medicine, and watched a movie with me to make me feel better, my grandparents have sent me care packages, and my daddy has sent me his love. I think this year I'm really starting to enjoy Auburn and all that it has for me. Shocker, right? Or maybe it's just me being really grateful for all the sick support I've gotten. But it's thoroughly refreshing to know that I have so many people around to help if I need them.

Anyways, I'm going to try to start catching up on the mounds of homework I have waiting for me. Wish me luck?

Current song - Shaytards theme song
Current cup of water - 1

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