Monday, August 1, 2011

guess who's back! BEDA Day 1

Ummm how did August get here so fast??! Here I am, surfing the interwebs, and I see my new friend Fiona's tweet saying that she's doing VEDA and I realized that today is the first day of August!!! I'm not ready!! August means responsibility and work! Luckily, I have a couple of weeks to get myself fully prepared and ahead of the game so that I don't fall behind!!

I know that I haven't blogged about the rest of LeakyCon, but I've been quite busy! Good thing I have the rest of the month to get to typing! But I'll recap what happened after LeakyCon. I had about 5 days of work in a row, was post-Leaky-depressed, the roomies were barely there, etc etc. Then my lovely Auburn ladies [Madeleine, Nancy, and Allie] came in to town for two days of AWESOME Disney adventures! I wish that we had all had more time because it was very tiring, but the trip was amazing so I really hope that it can happen again! After they left, I got much more depressed than I thought I'd be. I had no more visitors for the summer and work was hard to find. So my friend Owen reminded me that I was invited to spend some time at the beach with him and his family and I took that opportunity to take an early leave from Disney. I just wasn't feeling it this summer. I needed to get home and get some work done. So I spent 2.5 fabulous days with Owen's family, meeting and loving on his nephew, having some of the freshest seafood I've ever had, and taking some time to relax. I sat around doing nothing, [which never happens for me] I played frisbee with the guys, [which I'm usually too self-conscious to do] and I wore a bikini without crying. I call that a success. Plus, Owen's mom was there to talk to about anything and everything. I trust her and care about her and her family so much that the trip never got awkward. I just don't think I can fully explain how much fun I had.

So now I'm home. I sufficiently surprised my family by coming home on my parents' anniversary and everyone was jumping up and down to see me. My daddy couldn't get a silly grin off of his face the whole night, and I've never felt more happy. I know that I'll kick myself for coming home early at some point, but right now I needed my own bed, some peace and quiet, and some time to prepare myself for the upcoming semester. It's going to be brutal, but I am determined to have a good time. I want to be a good SM for La BĂȘte, make new friends, spend some time out of the theatre, and maybe even get a new job. I'm hoping for the best because I know that I can face what ever challenges life throws me right now.

Also, when I came home, I knew I needed a change. I felt it so much that yesterday when my sister came to help me unpack, I ended up convincing her to rearrange my room with me. I didn't think I would like the layout as much as I do, but I'm thoroughly happy with it. I'm ready for the tax-free holiday this weekend to get a few more school-suitable sets of clothes.

I think I'm going to make myself stop writing now since I know I'll be blogging every single day this month. I don't want to forget or lose track of this because having little goals like this helps you to become more organized and less stressed. That's the plan. Stay tuned, blogspotians, I'll be here all month!

Current song - Imma Be - Black Eyed Peas
Current cup of water - 0 - It's only 8:55am, guys! Don't judge!

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