Sunday, April 3, 2011

Intro to Me (BEDA Day 3)

Hello ladies and gents!!

Since nothing super interesting happened today I thought I'd share a little more about myself, starting with me as a child.

A fun fact about me is that I didn't start talking til I was about 3 years old. I had the ability, and I could have if I had wanted to, but my sister was a perfect translator for me so I guess I just didn't see the point in it. On the other hand, my dad has said many times that once I chose to start talking I never stopped. Thanks for that, Daddy. :)

I started dancing before I started walking and so on my 3rd birthday the natural thing to do was put me into ballet classes. I've been dancing ever since and it became the first real passion in my life. I later went on to audition and attend the Alabama School of Fine Arts in Birmingham [where I lived in the dorms] for high school majoring in dance. I danced 3-5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. Before high school I did everything from ballet to Irish dancing. I love all types of dancing....and when I say love, I mean it. I get a little sick of it every now and then but in the end I'd rather be dancing than anything else in the world. It makes me sooo happy!

Another obsession of mine is definitely Disney. I love everything Disney and if you know me, then that's the first thing you probably hear about. I now work at Disney World, but before that I loved all of the movies and chose the best princess as my favorite: Belle. I really don't have much more to say about Disney except that I could go on and on for days about it so I'd better stop now!

Now that I'm in college I'm a theatre major [I wish we had a dance major....alas] and I hope to take my performance studies to Disney in the future to work there wherever I can find a decent job. Since I'm not much of an actor, and my singing won't be more than average, I started looking in to another aspect of theatre: stage management. I've really started to enjoy it. Stage management is basically being the middle man and the person to run a stage production. I've only been an Assistant Stage Manager before, so this upcoming fall I've taken on my first Stage Management position and it has already started to be a handful. I'm learning a lot about all aspects of the theatre because of stage management and it is giving me an even better understanding of what it takes to create a show.

My last big obsession [because apparently this post has become more about obsessions than myself] is Harry Potter. Now, I'm not to my friend Madeleine's level of obsession, but I'm much more into Potter than many people I know. I grew up reading these books since the fourth grade. I've always been an avid reader, so this just made me want to read all the time. I went to book release parties, midnight movie showings, and this summer I will attend my second Harry Potter conference. I have flown to New York City solely for a wizard rock concert. Yes, I am a freak. Yes, I enjoy being a freak. Yes, I love Potter. So there you go.

If there is something in particular you would like to know about me, comment. Let me know what else I can tell you about myself. I'm pretty open about telling people about me and I'd love to share anything that my readers want me to.

I'm not ready for this week but I'm ready for school to be over so I'll hope that these last four weeks go by quickly and successfully!

Goodbye for now!

Current song-Summer of '09- ALL CAPS

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