Friday, August 13, 2010

textbooks and texting

Well today was fun.

I got some texts at 3am making me feel much worse than I already had. Wednesday just needs to disappear from everyone's memories. Please? Anyone? Dangit....

So I had to try to distract myself all morning...
The good news: my room is completely clean.
The bad news: I wasn't very distracted.

I also cleaned the bathroom and commenced the textbook shopping avec mon père. I only had two classes that I needed to buy books for so instead of spending the normal $300+ on books, I spent less than half that much. Epic. Win.

My dad really helped me keep my mind clear because we did a bunch more stuff together including putting cabinet doors back on in our kitchen, eating mexican food, and going to Winn Dixie. Mmm...sounds exciting, doesn't it?

I also had some good texting times with a few other friends. I'm lucky to have friends that are so oblivious that they end up unknowingly distracting me. :) As much as I hate to say it, I think that I really need to start school just so I'm too busy to remember how much of an idiot I am. I'm excited to learn more, but less than thrilled about test taking, paper writing, and sweating my ass off in the Alabama heat.

Anyone who reads this, please tell me about your day! Or something you'd like to hear me talk about!!

Current song: My Eclipse-Alex Carpenter and Jason Munday feat. Kri$tina
Current HP reference: Hagrid having to let Norbert go with Charlie
Current book: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


  1. I need to start buying textbooks. but unfortunately i will probably be spending about $400+ on books because of my two god awful core classes, plus japanese and voice and movement and piano skills... GOD DAMMIT THIS SUCKS!

    oh well. ily <3

  2. Yeah...I already had my french textbooks and there are no need for jazz or production studio textbooks. So I have my biology books and I'm waiting on the Theatre history ones to come in. I'm hoping not to spend more than $150 on books because I'm supposed to have $500 in scholarships and if that covers my meal plan and my books with a little left over, I would be one happy camper!
