Sunday, August 5, 2012

Revamp, BEDA Days 3 & 4

I'm combining these two days because the theme has been the same for me.

Have you ever felt the undeniable urge for change? I'm not a person who is afraid to change my life up every once in a while. In fact, I am one of those people who needs a change often. I am in the midst of completely re-doing the color scheme that I have obsessed over for the past, make that...eight years of my life. My life used to be hot pink, black, and zebra print. Now...eight years later, I'm going for more of a grey and pale dusty blue environment. I want more muted and sophisticated. I know that my adventurous and rebellious self is dying to see hot pink, but I know that my head and my heart are ready for a change.

So I painted my room in my parents' house, I bought a new bed set and sheets, and made the accent pillows a more adult theme. I am very excited about this, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this post up, but I really am ready for this change. I'm ready for people to see Kelly, not just a crazy excited girl that wants to make people like her all the time. I'm looking at making myself happy before I make others happy. A little selfish, but a lot well-deserved.

Sorry if this post doesn't make any sense. It does now...while I'm writing it. But it might not later. Comment if you actually understand!

Current song - Waterloo - Mamma Mia! movie soundtrack

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