This kid. Sorry, everyone!! I haven't meant to be so flaky, but it has been an insane semester! I actually meant to do BEDA this month, but the beginning of this month I was playing catch up from a trip to California. God, I love Cali. I plan on going back very soon! But this post is about a couple of things much more important:
1) Hello, everyone. You remember me? The girl that has spurts of inspiration and then forgets it a week or two later? Well I am here to make a big change. I will be signing up for my first HALF MARATHON soon! Yes, that's right, Kelly has gone to the dark side. It's Disney's Wine and Dine half marathon and I am very excited about it!! I have always had goals to get in shape and to do something really intense, but this takes it to a whole new world....I mean, level. If you want more information, check out: but oh my goodness am I excited and nervous!! I'm looking for a training partner [I might have one, but it's on a football weekend and this boy loves him some football] and I am very serious about it! Once I sign up I should be ready to start the real training! Wish me luck! 13.1 miles is a big goal to have!
2) I am officially started on my final project for Advanced Costume Construction! What is the project, you ask? What else? Belle's blue dress from Beauty and the Beast!! It's supposed to be a historically accurate costume so it won't look exactly like hers, but I'm still super excited about it! I've gotten the blue fabric and the white fabric so I will be making a wesket, a skirt, and a blouse! I probably won't get to the apron until the summer but oh my goodness this will actually be happening by the end of the month!!!! So scary and so amazing!!
That's all right now, guys. I'm in class and I really should be paying attention. I'm such a good student :)
Current song - Something There - Beauty and the Beast